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Project Details

  • Project Manager: Kris Garnhart

Scope of Work

​Remodels/Additions - $1,000,000

  • Remodel to allow for lockdown capability
  • Create theater / movement teacher office area
  • Repair fireplace
  • Add storage for drama
  • Create door between choir room and band room (safety - perhaps part of lock down remodel)

Fairness Formula Projects - $173,625

The School Site Improvement Committee identified fairness formula projects - a list of recommended projects. The list will be prioritized and completed as budget allows. 

  • Audio / Visual - Update theater lighting
  • Exterior Lighting - Replace UFO lighting on east side of building
  • Exterior Signage - Move marquee to driveway entrance
  • Flooring
  • Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment
  • Purchase and install stage curtain
  • Add blinds or frosted glass to classroom exterior doors (safety)

Technology Infrastructure

  • Replace hardware that enables wired and wireless connections to the Internet. 

​In Progress

Fairness Formula

  • Audio/Visual update theater lighting: design in progress

​Completed Projects

  • Added security tinting to classroom windows 
  • Security film added to exterior doors
  • Stage curtain installed
  • New classroom furniture installed
  • Gym floor refinished and restriped
  • Classroom enclosure remodel complete
  • Entry remodeled