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The first step of building our strategic plan, was reevaluating, and clarifying our mission, vision and values statements.

Using the Board of Education Global Ends statement as our guide, the district adopted a mission that describes why we exist, values that explains what we believe and how we behave, and vision statement that describes what the future looks like for our district. Together they set the direction for our Strategic Plan.

Our Mission

We educate and inspire students to thrive.

Our Values

  • We believe in quality education. We aspire to teach and learn in ways that value the growth of all students, engaging them to demonstrate excellence as we respect their individual journeys.

  • We believe people are the heart of our success. We aspire to practice meaningful inclusion, honor diversity and develop connectedness throughout our school community.

  • We believe relationships matter. We aspire to nurture relationships rooted in honesty, integrity, equity and transparency to drive continued growth and positive change.

Our Vision 

All students will have the knowledge, skills, and character necessary for successful transition to the next level and upon graduation will be fully prepared for success.

  • Knowledge and skills: All students will show annual growth toward increasing levels of academic proficiency, across all content areas, by meeting or exceeding Colorado academic standards and District 20 graduation requirements and will identify and pursue their areas of personal interest and ability.

  • Character: All students will develop the qualities of character necessary to be exemplary citizens and positive contributors to society.