Step 1: Setup your District Account
Setting up your district account will allow you to login to a variety of software applications throughout the district, including logging onto any district computer.
Locate your account (using the Staff Account Maintenance tool).
Type in the required information to find your account.
Complete the each step and click Save.
Please wait 30 minutes for your account to be fully provisioned before continuing to Step 2 (Workday Onboarding) and before accessing any D20 resources.
Step 2: Go to Workday Onboarding
You can complete the onboarding process using Workday.
Step 3: Check your email
You can access email from home once you have provisioned your account.
Go to: and login with your district account.
Click on the Outlook icon on the left side of the page to view email.
Step 4: Access your Infinite Campus Account (only required for some)
For administrators, licensed staff including teachers, office staff, and building techs, please use this link: Infinite Campus
Log into your account by clicking on the button “Login with Single Sign-on (SSO)”.
For all other positions, please check with your supervisor to determine what Infinite Campus access you will require.
Step 5: Access Infinite Campus Training
Go to Infinite Campus Training and Resources and login with your district account if prompted.
Please explore this site for a variety of Infinite Campus topics and training resources.
Step 6: Set-Up your Email Signature
Use the Email Signature Generator to set up your signature in Outlook.
Instructions are available on the application page.
Please let us know if you have any problems accessing any of these tools. You can send an email to or call 719-234-1777 for assistance.
Welcome to our team!