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Medical immunization exemptions

If your student is exempt from immunizations for a medical reason, the Medical Exemption form must be filled out and signed by your student’s doctor.  This form only needs to be submitted once during your student’s K-12 career, unless anything changes with the exemption.

Please remember if your child had any required immunization updates over the summer, we will need an updated copy of the immunization record on or before the first day of school.

Visit the CDPHE website to complete the exemption process.

Non-medical Immunization Exemptions

If your student has a non-medical exemption for one or more vaccines, an Immunization Exemption form must be submitted to the school each school year.  The Immunization Exemption process must be done through the Colorado Department of Health and Human Services website. Non-Medical exemption form must either be signed by the child’s health care provider which also must be authorized to administer immunizations, or the parent must complete an educational module on the CDPHE website before being able to fill out and sign the exemption form.  Please save/print the form and submit to the school, as there is no system in place that alerts the school when an exemption form is completed on the CDPHE website. Please be aware that this must be done after June 30th every year.  Forms are not valid for the coming school year if they are signed before July 1 of the upcoming school year.

Visit the CDPHE website to complete the exemption process.

Central Registry

Central Registry handles all new student enrollments, address changes, and School Choice enrollment.

Central Registry

Central Registry handles all new student enrollments, address changes, and School Choice enrollment.
(719) 234-1224
(719) 548-4764
7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday - Friday
Education and Administration Center
1110 Chapel Hills Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 80920