Policy Governance
There are 10 principles of Policy Governance. Principles one through three define an organization's ownership, the board's responsibility to it and the board's authority. Principles four through seven specify that the board must define in writing its policies that identify the benefits that will come from the organization, how the board should conduct itself and how staff behavior is to be proscribed. Principles eight through 10 deal with the board's delegation and monitoring.
Board of Education Policies, Agendas, Minutes & Calls
We use a paperless e-governance system called BoardDocs. This system allows easy public access to agendas, minutes, policies and calls.
Board Ends
The Academy District 20 Board of Education has specific global ends statements that guide its work in Policy Governance. All students will have the knowledge, skills and character necessary for successful transition to the next level and upon graduation will be fully prepared for success:
Knowledge and Skills
All students will show annual growth toward increasing levels of academic proficiency, across all content areas, by meeting or exceeding Colorado academic standards and the district graduation requirements and will identify and pursue their areas of personal interest and ability. Accordingly, students will be proficient in the following learning skills:
Effective use of tools, techniques and technologies
Critical and innovative thinking
Problem solving
Appropriate, creative and effective communication
All students will develop the qualities of character necessary to be exemplary citizens and positive contributors to society. Accordingly, students will consistently demonstrate: