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The focus of accreditation is student learning and meeting the needs of students whether they begin their educational journey with us in preschool or merge into our system at a later point. Students' needs are continually assessed, school site plans and improvement plans are devised to meet the needs, and action plans are executed. Although students reach the end of the accreditation road when they graduate, schools continue to stay on the path, ensuring Board Ends are met. 

Accreditation Absolutes

Accreditation Absolutes are requirements of state law or Academy District 20 policy which all schools must meet. The categories are those defined by Robert Marzano in What Works in Schools: Translating Research into Action (ASCD, 2003). Absolutes categories include:

1. Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum

Providing students with a guaranteed and viable curriculum has a high correlation with student achievement. The factors in this area include the opportunity and time to learn as well as a clearly articulated curriculum.

2. Challenging Goals and Effective Feedback

Having high expectations, setting academic goals with students, monitoring these goals and providing students with timely and ongoing feedback positively impacts student achievement.  

3. Parent and Community Involvement

The extent to which parents and community members are involved in and supportive of schools impacts a school's overall effectiveness. Communication, participation and governance are all important components in successful involvement.

 4. Safe and Orderly Environment

Students and staff need to feel safe in order to excel. Establishing clear rules for behavior and holding students accountable is important in maintaining a safe and orderly environment.

5. Collegiality and Professionalism

The manner in which educators interact and the degree to which they approach their work as professionals impacts the learning environment of the school.

Absolutes are verified by principals with members of their Building Accountability Committee and submitted to the office of the superintendent annually.  


Superintendent's Office

Academy District 20 leadership takes its cues from our Board of Education, driving the initiatives that deliver excellence in education.

Superintendent's Office

Academy District 20 leadership takes its cues from our Board of Education, driving the initiatives that deliver excellence in education.
(719) 234-1206
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
Education and Administration Center
1110 Chapel Hills Dr.
Colorado Springs, CO 80920