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Academy District 20 Team One,

Last night, during a Board of Education Special Meeting, Amy Shandy and Derrick Wilburn took their Oath of Office and joined existing Board members Nicole Konz and Aaron Salt. We appreciate the strengths that Derrick and Amy bring to D20 and their passion for ensuring all students receive a quality education that promotes academic excellence.

As we welcome Amy and Derrick, we would also like to acknowledge Heather Cloninger, Will Temby and Tom LaValley for their outstanding contributions to our district. Their long lineage of service has made our district better, and we are grateful. 

Last night, the Board’s first order of business was electing leadership positions. Unanimously the Board voted the following:

  • President, Aaron Salt,

  • Vice President, Nicole Konz, and

  • Treasurer, Amy Shandy. 

The Board also accepted former Board of Education President Tom LaValley’s resignation. The Board is currently accepting applications for this open position through Dec. 11, 2023, at 4 p.m. The Board member selection process will include:

  • Dec. 14, at a Work Session starting at 2:30 p.m., the Board will be reviewing candidate applications and selecting the candidates to be interviewed.

  • Dec. 18 at a Special Meeting starting at 1 p.m., Board members will be interviewing the selected candidates for the open Board position and then voting on the candidate who will fill this position.

  • Dec. 19, at a Special Meeting starting at 4 p.m., the candidate who received a majority vote from Board members on Dec. 18, will be sworn in as the new D20 Board member.

Although the new Board members’ first regularly scheduled meeting is on Dec. 14, 2023, they are eager to embrace their new roles and are already making plans to attend school activities, accept invitations to speak with classes and much more.

Please join us in giving them a warm D20 welcome!  You can read a feature, and see photos, from last night’s meeting on ASD20.ORG.  

As I visit classrooms and professional learning communities throughout our District, I consistently see dedicated D20 teachers, administrators, and other staff members working collaboratively to create innovative learning environments that inspire students to learn. We have so much to celebrate, and I am excited about what we will continue to accomplish together this year.

Jinger Haberer, Superintendent