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As we bring this school year to a close, I am so thankful for the Team One spirit that we have here in D20. Great happens here every day, and we have much to celebrate!

Over the past year, we’ve experienced some big wins as a district, and we’ve grown stronger together in a year filled with incredible events, remarkable collaboration and inspiring student academic growth.

As many know, D20 has been Accredited with Distinction from the Colorado Department of Education for 15 consecutive years. Did you know we are one of just four districts in the state to receive this recognition since the creation of this award? We are also proud of our many John Irwin Schools of Excellence and Governor’s Distinguished Improvement Award winners. Additionally, let’s not forget to celebrate our many schools and educators who received recognition by the Gazette’s “Best Of” awards and the multiple examples of exemplary education for our students in all schools. We accomplish these successes through the collective efforts of D20 staff, parents and community members.  

We also want to recognize our many students who are continuing through their educational journey, from kindergarteners moving to the first grade, fifth graders moving to middle school and eighth graders continuing to high school. Once again, let’s also congratulate our graduating seniors who are ready to make a positive impact in our world. Over the past two weeks, we have enjoyed seven graduation ceremonies. After hearing our seniors' speeches and recognizing their accomplishments, I am confident that our future is in good hands.

Clearly, great does happen here in D20! We hope this reflection has filled you with pride, and I invite you to view these end of year videos to gain a deeper appreciation of all that we have accomplished together.

A look back at the 2023-24 School Year with D20 Superintendent Jinger Haberer

Congratulations to the D20 Class of 2024!

Congratulations to the 2024 Annual Award Winners!

Every year, Academy District 20 honors its people with an award in their staff category. The award winners exemplify the highest standard of excellence and the district’s mission, educating and inspiring students to thrive.

This year, more than 50 nomination packets were submitted for the District-level Annual Awards. Amid the nomination packets, recommendation letters and educational philosophies, applicants are stories of educators and support staff who share a deep passion for our students, their wellbeing, and journey to academic excellence.

This week, Superintendent Jinger Haberer surprised winners at their schools to celebrate their win before recognizing each winner at the 2024 Back to School Rally when staff returns in August.

Find a list and short summary about each 2023-24 Annual Award winner on

Back-To-School Staff Rally

We hope the entire D20 team has an incredible summer break. Throughout the summer, as our team works to prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, we will also be preparing the Annual Back-To-School Staff Rally. We are excited to welcome back our staff to this joyful celebration, featuring speakers, celebrations, good fun and much more.

We will celebrate this event on Aug. 6, 2024 at the D20 North Stadium. A Benefits Fair will begin at 7:15 a.m., with the rally to commence at 8:15 a.m. Carpooling is encouraged where possible.

Village Middle School students grow through Black Forest burn scar reforesting project

Academy District 20 students at Village Middle School (VMS) will be able to look back in just a few years and visibly see the difference they’ve made after completing a year-long project designed to re-plant trees in the Black Forest burn scar.

A team of 15 VMS students partnered throughout the year on one of two green projects in the school, leading students to divvy up roles, responsibilities and ultimately craft a plan to take action on the goal of helping reforest the area near D20’s School in the Woods (SITW). 

On Thursday, May 16, students gathered with their teachers and Forest Service partners to dig holes and plant 20 saplings, procured through a variety of efforts, including fundraising and securing donations from partners like Rick’s Garden Shop. Forest Service partners advised on what species of saplings to plant, as well as offered guidance throughout the planting process.

Read more about this year-long project on

Pine Creek High School students celebrate Unified Signing Day

Four students will be continuing their athletic endeavors with community Special Olympics teams after a formal signing event on Friday, May 17.

Representatives from the Colorado Switchbacks, Rocky Mountain Ninjas, Special Olympics Colorado and Pine Creek High School spoke to each student’s accomplishments on and off the field, sharing that all four students have made an impact on their team and the broader community.

The four students include Joshua Tobiasz, who signed with the Colorado Springs Switchbacks as part of their 2024 Special Olympics Colorado Unified Team.

Congratulations to Tobiasz, Chad Compton, Jaemen Morales and Joey Graham for reaching this special accomplishment.

Event: Pathways to Becoming a Teacher, Including Alternative Licensure

The Academy District 20 Human Resources team will be hosting a community-wide event at the EAC on June 4 at 5:30.

Any member of the D20 team, our families and our community are welcome to attend to learn more about the various pathways to becoming a teacher in Colorado, including by utilizing alternative licensure.

Experts from several organizations will be in attendance, including TEACH Colorado, the Colorado Department of Education, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, Metro State, Public Education & Business Coalition, CU Denver, Western Colorado University, Pikes Peak BOCES and more.

Join us to learn more about becoming a licensed teacher in Colorado to help impact students who are the future of our city, region, state and nation.

Learn more on