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We Believe Relationships Matter

At the 2024 Special Education Appreciation Night event, one of Academy District 20's (D20) values, “We believe relationships matter”, was on display in a profound way. The event recognized D20 staff members nominated by students and families as having had an exceptional impact on student development. Staff members included teachers, paraprofessionals, bus drivers and more.

The presentations, often led by students and their families, honored someone who has made an impact on their student's life. It was obvious life-long relationships had been formed through the dedication and care of these staff members, in some cases over many years. The accolades included stories of long hours of instruction and mentorship that resulted in students overcoming challenges academically, emotionally, or socially.

While we recognize these exceptional members of our staff, we also thank D20 families for their deep involvement in our programs and their partnership in the development of their child.

"Our Special Education staff devote their expertise and hearts to serving our students, but we cannot do what we do best without partnering with our families" said, Executive Director for Special Education, Dr. Belinda Lujan-Lindsey.