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In compliance with the Fair Campaign Practices Act, we intend for this communication to be factual and informative. We invite you to read all the advantages and disadvantages on the website. 

After our Board of Education’s decision to update Bond language, more capital improvement projects at schools would be funded. Importantly, the new total of the 2024 Bond is $83.14 million and will still be a no-tax-increase bond issue. 

The new bond language creates funding for an additional $14 million that would be allocated solely to non-charter schools, including ASD20’s oldest schools. If approved, ASD20 will accomplish much-needed projects, such as replacing aging athletic spaces, improving our HVAC capabilities, upgrading physical security in our schools and more. An entire breakdown of the full 83-million investment, including itemized projects by school, can be found on our website. 

Unchanged in the 2024 Bond language is $49 million allocated to funding the 20% match to build a brand-new Air Academy High School and Career Education Center of Excellence. Without this match, the project would otherwise cost ASD20 upwards of $240 million. Also, unchanged is $9.48 million allocated to The Classical Academy and $1.66 million allocated to New Summit Charter Academy. This investment into our charter schools is consistent with ASD20’s strategy of supporting all students. This decision is also consistent with our practice that was used in the 2016 Bond when TCA received over $21 million in Bond proceeds. TCA and NSCA are public charter schools that serve ASD20 students and represent more than 15% of total District enrollment. 

The timing of this change is related to recent proposed legislation, including from the Colorado Special Legislative Session called by our Governor. HB24B-1001 passed today and is now with the Governor for his signature. This legislation includes limits on school district property taxes, creating uncertainty for ASD20’s future funding. With uncertainty on the horizon, our Board of Education agreed that now is the time to invest in our schools while still decreasing taxes for our residents. 

We understand change can be confusing, so we have placed more information, accompanied by Frequently Asked Questions and a list of projects that would be accomplished, on our website at  

Additionally, there are several opportunities to engage with us in-person, including: 

Thank you for your time, understanding and consideration, 

Jinger Haberer, Superintendent 
Aaron Salt, Board of Education President